Tuesday 30 December 2008

American Football And History

In the United States and Canada Football is known simply as football is a competitive team sport known for mixing strategy with physical play. The objective of the game is to score points by advancing the bal into the opposing team's end zone. The ball can be advanced by carrying it (a running play) or by throwing it to a teammate (a passing play). Points can be scored in a variety of ways, including carrying the ball over the opponent's goal line.

American football is a sport known for mixing complex strategies and intense physical game. The goal of the game is to score points by wearing an oval ball to a goal area named end zone opposite end of the court. The ball can be advanced by increasing it (a race) or by throwing to a teammate (a pass). Points can be marked as different ways across the goal line with the ball, launching the ball to another player on the other side of the goal line, slabs an opposing player with the ball in his own goal area or by drawing up the ball between the goal posts enemy. The winner is the team scoring the most points at the end of the match. In the U.S., the sport is known as the simple name "football" while in Canada, including Quebec, the word football may appoint unqualified by the American football or his close relative, the Canadian football. In Australia and New Zealand, American football is called "gridiron football", while in other countries, it is distinguished by a football adjective indicating its country of origin.



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