Friday 19 June 2009

Antxon Castiella Salvador: "The American cinema sells dreams, the Spanish have their feet on earth"

The Madrid Film School was closed made Antxon Salvador (Pamplona, 1966) opts for its 18 springs studied industrial design in Barcelona. But the fallout of the cinema is not diluted over time. On the contrary. Ten years ago he began to write scripts and short films. Wanted to see reflected on the big screen, but a producer even said that he sold his flat to direct one of his scripts.

Erre Erre that, continued to analyze scripts in a production company, noted with surprise that while half came from Latin America. Hence was born the seeds of Spanish cinema. What to see (Blume. 29.90 euros), in which 10 employees are offered an overview of the frames that speak Spanish to the two sides of the Atlantic.

The film speaks fluent Spanish?
There are at least fifty major films in Spanish, so we can say that Spanish is spoken. But the Spanish film to less than 5% of what was shot in the world. Now the film is Spanish with low self-esteem, and this book aims to open the box of photos and find we have been very handsome. And the Latin American cinema, a distant brother and little visited, is very dignified and stories tall.

So do not believe that the film is well-placed Spain in the international arena?
Each film has claimed as its own and has put their heads on the tip of the cutting edge of history. But we have not done that: Spanish historiography has not had the ability to claim their titles, and we must break the complex that is against the Spanish cinema.

And what problems have this film?
The primary is over: last year 170 films were filmed in Spain and United States, the mecca of film, 500. We need to produce less and better, putting more money into good ideas. In addition, departments are not professionalized and mixed much of the picture director and screenwriter, who is undervalued and has fled to the television. Another problem is that the figure of the producer criterion as before Querejeta Elijah has lost weight. And speaking of the crisis we forget the Spanish cinema spectator. To match in any gear you need a preparation. Difficult to assess the loneliness, Jaime Rosales, if not before you've seen the classics. Titles are very good that the public and Cocacola popcorn because it does not have the necessary skills.

So, you recommend a film subject in schools?
Suffice to TVs much more mimaran our film, to make a defense of our classic or not they are advertising.

We talked about weaknesses, what about the strengths?
Spanish cinema is heir to the tradition of realism provided by the Spanish to the universal literature. If the film sells American dream, the Spanish film is down to earth and Latin America has in the mud, because it is a tremendous film and social commitment. The film genre that has been made in recent years, as the orphanage, but could well be from any country, and I doubt that is the path. I like most Berlanga, which is absolutely indigenous.

With the book finally comes to a recognition of qualifications across the pond?

Yes, there is a large empty and people have a tremendous bias. There are really beautiful film, and the great contribution of Spanish cinees that the "poor brother" is presented alongside the great classics.

"Poor." Do not underestimate him a bit?

On average are poorer than the Spanish. Mexico had a very strong industry and supplied movies to United States, Argentina had a boom in the nineties, but other countries do not have a strong film industry. Point has been hatched in Venezuela there is a lot when oil is more expensive, because it makes better movies. The film depends a lot of money.

And creativity is matched?
Yes, absolutely. Cuban cinema of the sixties, arising from the revolution, and it's fantastic for me is one of the jewels.

Is there some feature that characterizes Latin American cinema?
The denunciation of social injustice.

And each of the supports 250 films in the works?
Yes, they are about something. Such doubts with Dawn in Puerta Oscura is a western bandit with Paco Rabal, but then I saw that very well. Obviously could be more like Night of the Sunflowers, Jorge Sánchez-Cabezudo.

What criteria were followed in the selection?
Interpretation, the description of a historical moment, the pure commerciality, Torrente is because ... I did not want a book for intellectuals, but for people with a culture medium to which you want to see the film in Spanish. Was clear that they were wanted Marisol, Joselito, Edgar Neville movies ... 125 Spanish films is a basket large enough to allow various genres, including comedy, film or black horror films such as Who can kill a child? Of Chicho Ibáñez Serrador.

Is there any really memorable way?
Arrebato, Ivan Zulueta. The film is original, with the final most sickening thing I have seen. It is difficult to see, but the entire world fascinates him.

Has rediscovered some film that was not done justice?
Yes, Francisco Regueiro. He had seen only two movies and I have discovered love letters from a murderer. It's fantastic, a pre Lynch film of the seventies ... Or Agustí After Villaronga with the crystal. Anyway, we wanted to limit the number of major film directors not to leave out smaller films. In our internal ranking, Buñuel was the greatest filmmaker. We have given six films, and from there down.

Take out any work to the fore "evil"
Following the aforementioned glass, or Living in shadows, Llorenç Llobet-Gràcia. 1948 is a movie that Franco did not like nothing and gave the worst rating possible. Fell into oblivion and this gentleman did not return to filmmaking, a film is lost. I hope this book serves to recover works like this.

What was later to write a book with co-official languages in films?
Yes, I talked with the editor and is annexed to a future book. There are good films shot in Catalan, including works by Ventura Pons; Bolivian or a movie, The Clandestine Nation, which has been left out for being shot in quechua, or the hammock, recorded in Guarani.


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